
Movnat Coaching

Sessions, programs and individual courses in English


If you have any questions regarding the different offerings, please just get in touch, also by sending me an email at kontakt@kristofferkallesen.dk.


Offerings with natural movement training


Individual online course

An individual online course lasts 3, 6 or 12 months and itstailored to the goals you want to work towards, through a practice with natural movement.

An online course contains;

  • Individual training plan continuously tailored to your goals, your starting point and your everyday life. Your program has links to video demonstrations of the individual movements and exercises.

  • Ongoing support via WhatsApp or mail, online video calls and physical meetings when needed.

  • Continuous adjustment of your program based on your feedback and your development during the training.


  • 3 months total 5000,- DKK. (1667,- per month)

  • 6 months total 9.000,-. (1500,- per month)

  • 12 months total 15.000,-. (1250,- per month)



If you:

  • Would like to see what Movnat is, but can't see yourself in a longer course right now.

  • For a short period of time need support and feedback for your physical practice with movnat.

  • Have a handful of MovNat movements you want to master and want coaching on, for example a Roll-Up, Swing-Up or Get-Up. 

Where the online individual course typically lasts 3, 6 or 12 months, with the sessions you can take one session at a time when it works for you.

Even if you only have sessions, there may still be a common thread in what we work with - just let me know and I will make sure to adapt our sessions to what you want to work with.

If you have bought a PDF program, these sessions are also ideal as a follow-up to work on the skills that are in your program. 

Price: One session online or physically here in Skørping DKK 550,- DKK.


PDF program

What does a PDF program consist of?

A PDF program is:

  • A simple plan based on one or two movements from MovNat that you want to master, for example a Roll-Up, Swing-Up or Pull-Up, or

  • A simple general movement program tailored to your goals.

  • The program is put together from your starting point and the training equipment you have available.

  • Each exercise has clickable links to videos where you can see how the movements are performed.

Price: 1700,- DKK.

If you want more regular support and coaching, or want your training planned over several weeks or months, I would recommend you look at the individual course mentioned further up.





Looking forward to work with you :-)